Hello, my name is Aleksandar also known as PatkicaA in professional scene. I am Challenger Toplaner for Team Vitality. I've been playing League of Legends for almost 12 years now and i have 5 years of professional experience in many different regions(Spain/Germany/Balkan/Italy/Nordic/ France).
In case you are wondering about my op gg and my team you can check my lolpros or opgg or on EUW with name: PatkicaA
Through my 5 years of professional experience, i talked to a lot of professional players and not only to Toplaners, but also to other players that are playing other roles, so i can see the views and perspectives out of the best players in the scene and combine their knowledge and use that knowledge into my games, and those players are currently in big leagues and teams(LEC, and LEC academies) and they thought me everything i need to know, not only about Top but also overall about the game how it works, both in competitive scene and in solo q and i will look to express my knowledge about the League of Legends to you through my sessions.
In my sessions you will learn:
• To understand the matchup you are playing on the highest level.(1v1 sessions)
• Macro decisions, lane assingment, where to be on the map in every part of the game.
• Micro decisions, everything about the mehanics
• How to improve your thought process in game.
• Wave managment, which is the most important part for Toplane.
• Teleport usage, how to use your teleport properly in every part of the game.
• How to extend your lead, how to play from behind.
• Best builds/runes for the champion that you are playing
• How to climb in solo q and what champions you should be playing