My name is Mike also known as Furuy. I have been playing League Of Legends since season 3 and competitive since season 8. The last 5 years I've hit challenger every season with a peak of 1148 LP on the EUW server next to that I played in multiple regions in Europe such as Benelux, Nordics, France, Portugal and most recent Greece
After working with alot of individuals and coaching different teams I'm confident I can help you to you're dream rank on any role!
Hey Everyone,
We will already had an introduction if not we would go have a quick chat before it.
We will look at 1 full game VOD to talk about specific points or 2 VODS that are focused on 1 specific point.
I will record the session and send it to the student so he can always watch it back
Will write stuff down throughout the session what will be send to the student after
During the VOD review, I'll ask the student questions about their thoughs and ingame decisions.
This will make it more interactive and a faster way of improving
At the end we will do a small recap