Valorant Terminology That Every Player Should Know
Valorant Terminology That Every Player Should Know
By Charlene on Dec 5th, 2023, 08:30
Valorant Terminology That Every Player Should Know

Valorant terms and phrases can be as crucial as the shots that Valorant players take. It's about immersing yourself in a community rich with Valorant lingo, a list of Valorant terminology that can elevate your gameplay and connect you deeper with fellow players.

Whether you're a beginner trying to find your footing or a seasoned player aiming to refine your communication, every Valorant player must understand Valorant's key terms.

Here, we present an all-in-one dictionary and glossary listing every Valorant term alphabetically, offering you a one-stop resource for mastering the game's language.

Comprehensive Valorant Terminology Dictionary


Refers to cosmetic items in Valorant, including player cards, sprays, gunbuddies, and player titles, adding a personal touch to your gaming experience.


A prestigious round outcome where one player on the winning team eliminates each enemy player at least once during the round. It's often the highlight of the player who gets the ace.

ADR (Average Damage per Round)

A statistical measure of a player's average damage inflicted per round, often used to gauge consistent performance.

AFK (Away From Keyboard)

When a player is not actively participating in the game, usually due to being away from their keyboard.


Refers to a playstyle where a player actively engages the enemy, often sacrificing stealth for aggression.


Illicit software that artificially improves a player's aiming accuracy. Using an aimbot is a bannable offense.


The screen shake effect experienced when a player receives damage, affecting their aim.


A colloquial term for the Vandal, drawing a parallel to the AK-47 from CS:GO.


A defensive strategy where a player holds a site to delay the attackers and allow teammates to rotate for support.

Angle advantage

Refers to the positional benefit a player has when further away from an angle, making it easier to spot and react to an enemy first.


A strategy employed to maintain an economic advantage over an opponent who is saving credits, typically by avoiding close-quarters combat.


A tactic where a player positions themselves to avoid the effects of an enemy's flashbang, preparing to counterattack.


The in-game menu where players purchase weapons, abilities, and shields.


An alternative term for the Operator sniper rifle, inspired by its counterpart in CS:GO.

Back/Back site

Parts of a spike site closest to the Defender spawn, crucial for strategic positioning.


A tactic where a player uses a teammate as a distraction to gain a positional or informational advantage.

Baiting Utility

Forcing opponents to prematurely use their abilities, thereby gaining a tactical advantage.

Bonus Round

A strategy where players carry over less expensive weapons from a previous round to save credits for the next round, while still attempting to win the current round.

Bottom frag

The player with the fewest kills in a match, often a reflection of their role or performance in the game.


A movement technique that combines jumping and air strafing to move faster and unpredictably.


Communication used to indicate specific locations or actions on the map, crucial for team coordination.


To hold a position defensively for an extended period, usually to ambush passing enemies.


A player who significantly outperforms their teammates, often leading in kills and playing a pivotal role in the team's success.


Winning a round as the last surviving player on a team, often in a high-pressure situation.


Refers to Yoru's 'Fakeout' ability, used to create a decoy to distract and confuse enemies.


A movement technique allowing players to stop quickly and shoot accurately by strafing in the opposite direction.


A tactical position where teammates cover different angles, trapping enemies in a line of fire from multiple directions.

Crosshair placement

The practice of positioning the crosshair where enemies are most likely to appear, crucial for efficient aiming.

CT (Counter Terrorists)

A term borrowed from CS:GO, referring to the defenders in Valorant.

Crouch Spraying

The action of crouching and firing simultaneously, often used to stabilize aim and reduce recoil.


A recessed section of a map where players can hide and ambush enemies.

DM (Deathmatch)

A game mode focused solely on eliminating opponents, with no objective play involved.

Double Swing

A tactic where two players peek simultaneously, making it harder for an enemy to target both.


A term used when a player lands a non-fatal headshot, indicating that the target is close to dying.


Refers to abilities like Skye's 'Trailblazer' or Fade's 'Prowler', used for reconnaissance or disruption.

Double set up/Double up

A defensive strategy where two players hold the same position to surprise and overpower an enemy.

Dry Peek

Peeking an angle without using any abilities, relying solely on gunplay.

Eco/eco round

A strategic decision to save credits for future rounds, usually involving minimal equipment purchases.


A map location characterized by tight, right-angled turns, important for strategic positioning and movement.

Entry fragger

A player who leads the attack, seeking to make the initial kill and gain information about enemy positions.

Exit frags

Attempting to eliminate opponents as they retreat from an unwinnable round to save their equipment.

EZ (Easy)

A colloquial expression often used to signify an easy victory or round.

Fake Defuse

A tactic where a player pretends to defuse the Spike to lure attackers into revealing their position.


The act of pretending to attack a site to draw defenders away, allowing attackers to take a less defended site.

Fake Clone

A high-risk tactic where Yoru players try to convince enemies that they are a decoy clone.


Playing recklessly, often resulting in frequent deaths without contributing significantly to the team's objectives.


A strategy where a player attacks the enemy team from behind, often catching them off-guard.


A quick, sharp movement of the crosshair onto a target, often used in reaction to sudden enemy appearances.


A round outcome where no players on the winning team are eliminated.

Force buy

A strategy where players purchase the best possible equipment despite not having enough credits for a full buy.


Terms used interchangeably to refer to a kill in the game.


A situation where a team has sufficient credits to purchase full equipment, typically involving rifles and heavy shields.

Game sense

A player's ability to intuitively understand and predict enemy actions and positions based on the current state of the game.

GG (Good Game)

A common expression used at the end of a match as a sign of sportsmanship.

GH (Good Half)

Used to signify the end of the first half of a match, typically as a gesture of good sportsmanship.

Glass Cannon

A risky strategy where a player buys an expensive weapon but cannot afford shields.


Deliberate actions to disrupt or hinder the team's chances of winning.


Synonymous with "Dink"; refers to a headshot that doesn't result in a kill.


Purchasing equipment that allows a player to compete while still saving credits for future rounds.


An elevated area on a map, offering a strategic vantage point, usually used by snipers.


A lower area on a map, often directly beneath a 'Heaven' position.

Hip Fire

Shooting without using the aiming down sights (ADS) feature.

Holding angles

A defensive tactic where players cover specific map angles to anticipate enemy movements.


A key location near the B site on the Bind map, offering strategic advantage points.

HS (Headshot)

Refers to a shot that hits an enemy in the head, typically causing more damage.


When a player quickly selects and confirms their agent choice at the beginning of a match.

Jiggle peek

A movement technique where a player quickly peeks in and out of cover to gather information or bait enemy fire.

Jump peek

A tactic involving a quick jump out of cover to spot enemies, often used to gather information with minimal risk.


The act of jumping and throwing an ability simultaneously, often used for precise ability placement.


Specific positioning used to ensure abilities land in a predetermined manner, often used for strategic area denial or information gathering.


A term indicating an enemy has taken significant damage and is close to being eliminated.


A strategy where a player quietly positions themselves to catch enemies off-guard or flank them.


Slang for molotov-like abilities that deny area access, commonly associated with Brimstone's Incendiary.

MB (My Bad)

An acknowledgment of a mistake, often used in team communication to take responsibility for an error.

Ninja defuse

A stealthy tactic where a player defuses the Spike without the attackers noticing, often amidst distracting noise or chaos.

NS (Nice Shot), NT (Nice Try), N1 (Nice One)

Various expressions used to compliment teammates or acknowledge their efforts.


A less common, and thus unexpected, position from which a player can ambush enemies.


Achieving a kill with a single headshot, typically from weapons like the Sheriff or Vandal.


A smoke ability placement that allows one player to see enemies, while the enemies cannot see through the smoke.

OP (Overpowered)

Refers to an ability, agent, or strategy considered excessively powerful.

OP (Operator)

A term for the Operator sniper rifle, often compared to the AWP from CS:GO.


Spherical objects in standard gameplay that grant Ultimate ability points or buffs in Spike Rush when collected.

OT (Overtime)

An extra round or rounds played when a match is tied at the end of regular play.


The action of moving out of cover to spot enemies, gain information or to bait, a fundamental tactic to peek out and return in Valorant.

Peeker's Advantage

A phenomenon where the player peeking will see an enemy slightly before the enemy sees them, due to network latency.

Penned (Penetrated)

A term used to describe shots that penetrate through walls or objects, also known as "Wallbang."


The act of safely eliminating an isolated enemy, often crucial in gaining a tactical advantage.

Pistol Round

The first round of each half, where players have limited credits and typically purchase pistols.

Plant for "____"

Planting the Spike in a specific location to make it defensible from a particular vantage point.

Play for picks

A strategy where players wait for opportunities to eliminate overly aggressive or unsuspecting enemies.

Playing for time

A tactic focused on surviving and running down the clock to meet the round's win condition.

Playing off-angle

Using unusual positions or angles to surprise enemies, often effective for unexpected ambushes.

Playing slow

A cautious approach, utilizing time to gather information about enemy positions rather than making aggressive plays.

Pocket Guardian

Refers to Chamber's Headhunter or occasionally the Sheriff, used for precision shooting.

Post Plant

The phase after the Spike has been planted, shifting the focus to defending or retaking the planted site.

Poppin' Swing

A movement where a player quickly peeks out of cover to throw off an enemy's aim.


Shooting preemptively at common enemy positions to gain the upper hand in an engagement.


A term used either to criticize a player for overly passive play or to commend clever and unpredictable tactics.


The act of immediately eliminating an enemy who has just killed a teammate, also known as a "trade."


A feature that allows teams to end a match without penalty in the event of unfair circumstances, like disconnected players.

Rez (Resurrection)

Refers to Sage's Ultimate ability, which can revive a fallen teammate.


A nickname for Raze's Boom Bot, due to its autonomous movement and explosive impact.


The movement of players to a different location on the map, often in response to enemy actions or strategic needs.

Run and Gun

Shooting while moving, typically less accurate but used in close-quarters combat.


A strategy where attackers quickly move onto a site, aiming to overwhelm defenders with speed and numbers.


Choosing not to engage in a losing round to preserve weapons and equipment for future rounds.


Moving quietly in the game by holding the shift key, essential for stealth and avoiding enemy detection.

Shoulder Peek

A tactic of briefly exposing a shoulder to bait enemy fire and reveal their position.


A skilled player who plays in lower ranks, often dominating less experienced players.

Smoke out

Using smoke abilities to obscure vision and gain a tactical advantage, often pivotal in both attacking and defending strategies.


The starting location where players appear at the beginning of each round.


Concentrating multiple team members on a specific site or area for defensive or offensive purposes.


Committing to defusing the Spike without stopping, often used in high-pressure scenarios.


Peeking out quickly and widely to surprise an enemy and gain a shooting advantage.

T (Terrorists)

A term borrowed from CS:GO, referring to the attackers in Valorant.

Tapping the Spike

The act of briefly interacting with the Spike to fake a defuse, aiming to draw out hidden attackers.

Team Ace

A round outcome where each player on the winning team eliminates a different enemy player.


Winning a round with a significantly cheaper loadout than the enemy team, demonstrating cost-effective strategy.

Top frag

The player with the most kills in a match, often indicative of their impact on the game's outcome.

TP (Teleport)

Refers to using a teleport ability or utilizing map-specific teleporters to quickly change positions.


When a teammate avenges a fallen player by immediately eliminating their killer.

Ult (Ultimate ability)

The most powerful ability of each agent, typically requiring charges gained through gameplay actions or collecting orbs.


General term for agent abilities used for various tactical purposes.


Achieving a kill by shooting through walls or other penetrable surfaces.

Wall hack

Abilities that allow players to see enemies through walls, such as Sova's Recon Bolt.

Wide peek

A broader and more aggressive peeking technique, exposing more of the player but potentially catching enemies off-guard.


Failing to hit a target, often used to describe missed shots in crucial moments.

9-3 Curse

A phenomenon where a team leading 9-3 at halftime often loses momentum and eventually the match.

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