Top 29 CS2 Crosshair Codes Pros Use

Top 29 CS2 Crosshair Codes Pros Use

By Roger on Oct 25th, 2024, 12:25
Top 29 CS2 Crosshair Codes Pros Use

In CS2, just like in any competitive game, you can change your crosshair (the little shape in the middle of the screen that helps you aim).

Among the things you can change are the color, size, thickness, and movement. This guide will show you the top 29 crosshair codes that some of the best CS2 players use.

CS2 Crosshair Codes By Pros

  1. ZywOo – CSGO-CRuM5-SNFNz-4vtqY-GpFfH-LqbxJ
  2. NiKo – CSGO-Ox4av-Gp7as-jKoZH-jFua9-WsdqA
  3. ropz – CSGO-dUMpD-ykvYd-hNurR-9mCM7-WsdqA
  4. m0nesy – CSGO-PBAmf-cBT6C-CzWBZ-8JbQi-ZbJaA
  5. cadian – CSGO-oU57W-DoxMr-auovM-p6edw-pevvE
  6. s1mple – CSGO-Gj9ry-3QQF3-T78kK-onMAf-6DR7B
  7. sh1ro – CSGO-oit62-q2AsV-L2SHE-3hoEJ-cMwLA
  8. stavn – CSGO-mw7Mq-5QZfQ-Bj8m7-LHMTr-cVGOP
  9. broky – CSGO-Gfqt6-ZjheF-jyOEr-2VjX8-XTFuAEliGE
  10. EliGE – CSGO-vwsWm-D25YH-POjxa-dTvFP-AADhP
  11. dev1ce – CSGO-yxFut-M6Vka-p4GAf-X5yZT-ey3JE
  12. frozen – CSGO-jmBsb-LKp6T-aqzyY-f6Uaj-aGUSH
  13. huNter – CSGO-fefXh-O6xYZ-FdCHQ-OP9Kq-qKwLA
  14. blameF – CSGO-LdXHk-hatWX-JjEa8-tuLDN-5tbJD
  15. KSCERATO – CSGO-VraXK-7zmqf-LQjcY-7VSZz-PDNfN
  16. jks – CSGO-4conT-ek2JL-22MyN-ia7mm-3kYbD
  17. iM – CSGO-P6stL-JmHys-zdzY6-XAXeF-xmKPJ
  18. b1t – CSGO-CRuM5-SNFNz-4vtqY-GpFfH-LqbxJ
  19. apEX – CSGO-idk3k-MD5qw-6b9rH-tr7u7-KPh8E
  20. drop – CSGO-DPj6U-yqW4T-JK2Q3-qKmWo-JkA6Q
  21. YEKINDAR – CSGO-7ANjy-XxRae-25YoE-7Bfnp-QQSFE
  22. Aleksib – CSGO-Jp4hk-AfzML-FcpUT-2pfxZ-kSLoD
  23. FalleN – CSGO-TpORA-p9Ley-TLQ3P-HzXJY-U9z6A
  24. Jame – CSGO-xaqow-cUtCU-MYdu3-qC47b-ZHZML
  25. HooXi – CSGO-Rxkq5-myqax-3ZL5k-xBQOd-m4urD
  26. Keoz – CSGO-pAQRT-fetaX-8pkY5-pcqHk-BhiaB
  27. saffee – CSGO-HRVZh-G56yO-FMjPN-o7ed2-VwLXL
  28. rain – CSGO-mbppN-WGdqq-XeBH8-bmdyV-fxwPB
  29. Ax1Le – CSGO-nZtuj-eHzcb-8fyLe-Cxbwc-NHpEM


Crosshair code: CSGO-CRuM5-SNFNz-4vtqY-GpFfH-LqbxJ

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 4; cl_crosshaircolor_b 144; cl_crosshaircolor_g 238; cl_crosshaircolor_r 0; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code: CSGO-Ox4av-Gp7as-jKoZH-jFua9-WsdqA

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 4; cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code – CSGO-dUMpD-ykvYd-hNurR-9mCM7-WsdqA

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 1; cl_crosshaircolor_b -1000; cl_crosshaircolor_g 0; cl_crosshaircolor_r -1000; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code: CSGO-PBAmf-cBT6C-CzWBZ-8JbQi-ZbJaA

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 253; cl_crosshaircolor 2; cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code: CSGO-Gj9ry-3QQF3-T78kK-onMAf-6DR7B

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 4; cl_crosshaircolor_b 0; cl_crosshaircolor_g 0; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshairdot 1; cl_crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshairsize 1; cl_crosshairstyle 5; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code: CSGO-oU57W-DoxMr-auovM-p6edw-pevvE

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 2; cl_crosshaircolor_b 50; cl_crosshaircolor_g 250; cl_crosshaircolor_r 250; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshairsize 2.5; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 1.1; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 2;


Crosshair code: CSGO-4conT-ek2JL-22MyN-ia7mm-3kYbD

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 200; cl_crosshaircolor 1; cl_crosshaircolor_b 50; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 50; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code – CSGO-vwsWm-D25YH-POjxa-dTvFP-AADhP

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 5; cl_crosshaircolor_b 255; cl_crosshaircolor_g 255; cl_crosshaircolor_r 255; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -8; cl_crosshairsize 2.5; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 2;


Crosshair code: CSGO-P6stL-JmHys-zdzY6-XAXeF-xmKPJ

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 250; cl_crosshaircolor 1; cl_crosshaircolor_b 144; cl_crosshaircolor_g 195; cl_crosshaircolor_r 27; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -2; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0.5; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;


Crosshair code: CSGO-CRuM5-SNFNz-4vtqY-GpFfH-LqbxJ

Crosshair commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline 0; cl_crosshairalpha 255; cl_crosshaircolor 4; cl_crosshaircolor_b 144; cl_crosshaircolor_g 238; cl_crosshaircolor_r 0; cl_crosshairdot 0; cl_crosshairgap -3; cl_crosshairsize 2; cl_crosshairstyle 4; cl_crosshairthickness 0; cl_crosshair_sniper_width 1;

The Average Pro Player Crosshair for CS2

We looked into creating a crosshair using the average settings of all the CS2 pros. Initially, we thought, "With so many different styles, it will look strange." But to our surprise, it looks great!

We recommend this "average pro" crosshair to players who need a starting point. It is manageable because it is not too big, but not too small either. It also has no outlines, so it won't distract you while you play. It is perfect for balancing crosshair settings and a solid place to start. 

Why not check out how it feels for you? Again, this is not for everyone. If you already have your own preferences, you might find them lacking or too much. 

CS2 Pro Average Crosshair Code: CSGO-noVpo-yVxWJ-5LKnW-NPScs-K5nQD

Crosshair Commands:

cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"; cl_crosshairalpha "200"; cl_crosshaircolor "1"; cl_crosshaircolor_b "50"; cl_crosshaircolor_g "250"; cl_crosshaircolor_r "50"; cl_crosshairdot "0"; cl_crosshairgap "-3.000000"; cl_crosshairsize "2.000000"; cl_crosshairstyle "4"; cl_crosshairthickness "0.000000"; cl_crosshairusealpha "1"; cl_fixedcrosshairgap "3";

Steps of Importing a CS2 Crosshair Code

Follow this simple step-by-step guide for importing a CS2 crosshair.

First, highlight the crosshair code, right-click, and click "COPY" To copy the code into your clipboard. Alternatively, you may also use CTRL + C after highlighting.

  1. Launch CS2.
  2. Click on "Settings," choose "Games," then "Crosshair," and then click "Share or Import."
  3. On the empty filled, right click and then paste the crosshair code. Look for the paste option after you right click or press CTRL + V.
  4. Click "Import."

Your crosshair code is now all set!

Another Easy Way:

Another way of importing a CS2 crosshair is by using the old-fashioned way. Just copy the commands and paste them into the console.

Here is how to do it:

First, copy the crosshair commands. Highlight the command, then right-click and choose 'copy.' (Or useCTRL + C)

  1. Open CS:GO.
  2. Go to 'Settings.'
  3. Under 'Game,' select' yes' on the Developer Console.
  4. Press the ~ key to open the console.
  5. Paste the crosshair commands. (use CTRL + V command).

All done! Your crosshair is now imported through your console.

Wrapping Up

Using the crosshair codes by the top CS2 pros is not enough to make you a great player. There is more to the game than that. Nevertheless, improving your gameplay and overall experience is a great first step. 

We have presented several options above, 29 to be exact. You can try the ones from your favorite pro. Why not also try some from the pros you don't know? Who knows, it might be the crosshair that suits you best! 

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